
Sugia Kivunim Beit-Midrash

Whats up with Pesach ? | Discussion Page


Whats up with Pesach ?

The urgent need of Pesach in our Jewish and Global era

Maggid – Retelling the Passover Story

Maggid – Retelling the Passover Story

This is the bread of poverty
that our fathers ate in the land of Egypt.
Whoever is hungry, let him come and eat;
whoever is in need, let him come and participate
This year free people.

Even if all of us are wise

Even if all of us are wise

Even if all of us were wise,
all of us understanding,
all of us knowing the Torah,
we are still obligated to discuss
our exodus from Egypt;
and the  more you  discusses the story
the more you are praised…
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We  recommend you watch here
Our last Webinar – “Who need the Seder” ?
which launched our learning.


The Discussion


Pesach is clearly the most family oriented holiday in the Jewish calendar. This element of the Seder is engraved in the Halacha .

On the other hand, Pesach is notorious for its Jewish and universal  is message of freedom  see for example a this  captivating dialogue  between Senator Joseph Lieberman and  Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks .

The question is  does family orientation correlate the strong universal  message of freedom?


Freedom or Famly?

Freedom or Famly?

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    Hell is (not) the Other

    Aaron Fogelson   statement reflects the common contemporary idea of the the goal of the individual.

     Jean-Paul Sartre  proclaimed that “The other is Hell” and that the only way to reach freedom is by  solitude

    Judaism demands the opposite !

    Following his Miztva of rejoicing with your family

    The Rambam states very sharply that :
    ” if one locks his doors and eats and drinks only with his family..
    This is not the joy which was commanded,
    but [merely] satisfying his stomach..
    About such people, it is said :
    “all who eat it will be contaminated”

    It is this Idea that leads us to begin the Seder

    With inviting the poor and the homeless  to celebrate with us

    Whats the Idea behind it?

    Thats for you to find out tonight !


    Udi Lion


Last year I came upon a  fascinating book, “Escape from Freedom”,  by the Jewish psychologist  Erich Fromm . In his book he make a distinction  between what he calls  ‘freedom from’ and ‘freedom to’.  The first is the most  known for example  – slaves becoming free (both in Egypt ,African Americans ). Basically it is the freedom from any constraints imposed by other people . These include not only physical  limitations but also cultural and  as social conventions) .But according to Fromm it is not enough.  ‘freedom to’ reconnects man with others “that goes beyond the superficial bonds of conventional social intercourse: “…


Ana Perlov

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    I am not sure how do you tie the “freedom for” necessarily applies only to the family.
    A person can live for his nation , for a scientific achievement , to save the planet etc.?


    Adi Gefen


I once saw a fascinating Ted talk
that claims that in our generation we are
less free because we are more free: ,

Our overwhelming
almost infinite freedom of choice.
has made us not freer
but more paralyzed,


Ori Shechter

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Ori Shechter
3.03.2017 14:55
I once saw a fascinating Ted talk
that claims that in our generation we are
less free because we are more free: ,

Our overwhelming
almost infinite freedom of choice.
has made us not freer
but more paralyzed,

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Adi Gefen
5.03.2017 19:45

I am not sure how do you tie the “freedom for”

necessarily applies only to the family.
Can’t A person can live for his nation ,
for a scientific achievement , to save the planet etc.?

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Ana Perlov
2.03.2017 3:21
Last year I came upon a  fascinating book, “Escape from Freedom”,  by the Jewish psychologist  Erich Fromm .

In his book he make a distinction  between what he calls  ‘freedom from’ and ‘freedom to’.
The first is the most  known for example  – slaves becoming free (both in Egypt ,African Americans ).

Basically it is the freedom from any constraints imposed by other people .

These include not only physical  limitations but also cultural and  as social conventions) .

But according to Fromm it is not enough:

‘freedom to’ reconnects man with others “that goes beyond the superficial bonds of conventional social intercourse: “…

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