There are four temperaments among men:
the first type who says "what is mine is mine, and what is yours is yours" –
– that's an [average] temperament.
But there are some who say that is the temperament of Sodom.
[A second type says] "what is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine" — [that's an] am ha'arets (uneducated person).
[A third type is one who says] "what is mine is yours, and what is yours is yours" — [that's a] pious person.
[A final type is one who says] "what is yours is mine, and what is mine is mine" — [that's a] wicked person.
מידת סדום
משנה באבות פרק ה' משנה י
ארבע מדות באדם :
האומר שלי שלי ושלך שלך, זו מדה בינונית.
ויש אומרים, זו מדת סדום.
שלי שלך ושלך שלי, עם הארץ.
שלי שלך ושלך שלך,- חסיד.
שלי שלי ושלך שלי, רשע: