
Sugia Kivunim Beit-Midrash


Your life comes first

Your life comes first

If you cannot save him without sacrificing yourself – save yourself.

there is no obligation for a person to save another’s life at the expense of his own. As it is written:      ” Your brother should live with you’ ” your life comes first.
see Rabbi Akiva here

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You cannot stand bye

You cannot stand bye

“Your brother should live with you”
you cannot abandon your brother: even if both of you  die than that one see his friend’s death.
See “who’s Blood is more red” Sanhedrin 74a here

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In Jewish law, there is a biblical obligation to save lives.
The Biblical verse “You may not stand idly by your neighbours blood”
(Leviticus 19:15) is understood by the Talmud to be an obligation to save people from danger (Sanhedrin 73a).

However, it is necessary to define the parameters of this obligation. Does the bystander have to endanger himself to save the victim? Does the bystander have to spend money to save the victim’s life?