
Sugia Kivunim Beit-Midrash

The Bystander’s Challenge | Resources

Drink yourself to Death

Two people are travelling along the way,

and one of them has in his possession a flask of water.

If both drink from it, they will both die.

However, if only one of them drinks,

he will be able to make it out of the desert.


Ben Petura expounded,

“It is better that both should drink and die

that that one should witness the death of his fellow.”


Then Rabbi Akiva came and taught:

“‘Your brother shall live with you’  —

your life comes first,

before the life of your friend.


Bava Metzia 62a

Related Sources


Chopping of a limb

Responsa Radbaz (1479–1573)


The Bystander Effect

Ken Brown | TEDxUIowa 2015